At Saint Mary’s, we inspire minds. With small class sizes and professors who know you by name, the Saint Mary’s experience helps students thrive—whether you’re an undergraduate or a professional looking for the next step in your career.
We engage the world. With a stunning campus in the San Francisco Bay Area, Saint Mary’s offers experiences and boundless opportunities around the globe, from careers in Silicon Valley to one of a kind study programs in Europe, 亚洲, 拉丁美洲, 和更多的.
You’ll find your life transformed. With knowledge and skills, confidence and support from the Gael community, 你会想象, 发现, and make a lasting impact…Wherever you’re at…Whatever you set your heart to become.
我们是盖尔人. In Colleges That Change Lives: 40 学校 That Will Change the Way You Think 关于 Colleges, Saint Mary’s is highlighted as an exemplary college outside of the traditional Ivy League mold. We’re the only school in California and the only Catholic college to earn that distinction. We are peers and professors, Christian Brothers and alumni—learning more, 追求更多, and leading and succeeding together.
Guided by 任务—with Boundless Opportunities
Grounded in our Lasallian heritage, the Saint Mary’s community provides an educational experience that helps you transform yourself—and change the world.
More Experiences, More 结果
“You can go anywhere and get your opinions challenged. What we do here is get to know students, get them to find out what they love, what sparks them. That is a kind of friendship.”
Steven Cortright, Professor of Philosophy
Student/Faculty Ratio
“I never imagined my research turning into any kind of publication, but with Dr. Sonya Schuh’s encouragement, we came to the realization that our findings were actually very important and that other people needed to know about it.”
Kristin Harnett ’20, Biology Major
Western Regional Universities, U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道: Best Colleges 2023
“I would say Saint Mary’s allowed me to challenge so many different things and actually be OK…And I think that this is why I’m able to continue to challenge the status quo inside the tech industry, inside Silicon Valley.” &,
Kalina Bryant ’14, Global Head of Customer Advocacy at Asana